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All contents on this website are the copyright of Nippon Express Co., Ltd. ("the Company"), and revisions, additions, or other modifications of these contents for any purpose whatsoever is prohibited without prior consent from Nippon Express Co., Ltd. This website has been created solely for the provision of information, and the information on this website does not constitute a solicitation for the purchase or sale of the Company's shares. All information herein was deemed accurate by the Company at the time of posting, but the Company offers no specific warranty regarding these contents. Neither the Company nor any providers of information for this website shall be liable for any loss suffered as a consequence of purchasing or selling Company shares based on information at this website, and the contents of this website may be changed or deleted without advance notice.

About expiration date of the user id

SHUTTLE ID that have not been used for a certain period of time may be deleted for security reasons.
Please contact our sales staff for details.

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OS Browser Version
Windows Microsoft Edge 101.0.121032 or higher
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About Security

Nippon Express believes information safety and privacy protection through web server authentication are essential elements of our trust. Our web site uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encrypted communication and our dedicated server with security to manage any individual information to prevent unfair access and divulgence when personal information is transmitted.

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The Nippon EXPRESS website uses FlashTM, Adobe Reader and Windows Media Player. If you do not have the plug-ins listed below, please click on the buttons below to download and install them from their respective producer websites.

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